Scot's Mailing list /
Email Addresses /
Importing Email Addresses
Importing Email Addresses
There are several ways to import email addresses and the easiest is the simple import.
Simple Import
Clicking on this option brings up a box where you can put in a list of email addresses, one per line, and then add them to a mailing list of your choice. You can automatically set them to verified or unverified by checking a radio button.
Import Tab File
The import tab file option is for a basic tab delineated file that you can create from excel or other spreadsheet applications. The format of the list is also the same as what Miva Merchant 5 exports.
The order of fields is:
- first name
- last name
- address
- city
- state
- zip
- country
- email
- phone
Select a mailing list and verification option and continue to the next screen where you will upload your tab file. After the system is finished processing the file, your email addresses will have been imported.
Depending on your server strength and speed, the size of the import file can vary. Large lists on sites that don't get much horsepower might time-out. Splitting the import file into smaller chunks before importing can help.
Import CSV File
This import is basically the same as the TAB import above. The only real difference is the file. Instead of tab characters separating the fields, they are separated by commas. If there is a comma in the field value, surround the value with double quotes. Example csv line:,tom,jones,555-5555,"123 North,Nowhere St",Blaine,WA,98123,US,,yes,
Pop Import: add subscribers through email
This is a powerful and easy way to add subscribers to your system. The POP import logs into an email account where it downloads the emails and creates a list of all the email addresses that sent a message to to it. When the list is ready, you will be able to review and edit it before importing the email addresses into your mailing list.
You will be prompted to enter some information.
POP host: where your email comes from
Login and password: this is the same information you use to get your email or that your email client such as Outlook Express uses to log in and get your email.
Removing messages from the server: if you want to remove the messages from the server, check the yes option for the "Delete messages from server" question (a good idea).
updated April 24, 2013