Scot's Scripts FAQs and Module Support

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FastFAQs / Detailed Parameter List

Detailed Parameter List

1. Basic Usage, No Parameters

This loads the default environment - all FAQs related to the current product code, screen code, and category code.
The following line goes just above the closing </head> tag on the page you want the FAQs on:
<mvt:item name="fastfaqs" />

Use one of the following page entities to display the FAQs. Normally the default entity would be used. Put this where you want the FAQs to be.

&mvt:fastfaqs:default; - displays default FAQs based on product FAQs being most important, category FAQs being secondary important, and page FAQs being the least important. Most of the time you will use this.

&mvt:fastfaqs:product; - displays FAQs related to the product code

&mvt:fastfaqs:category; - displays FAQs related to the category code

&mvt:fastfaqs:page; - displays FAQs related to the screen code (page).

Note: The FAQ display entity must be enclosed in a fastfaq div tag, for example:

<div id="fastfaqs">

2. Advanced usage, loading a custom FAQ.

  • param 1: type - product/page/category
  • param 2: code - store code of the item
  • param 3 [optional]: type to use for CSS - product/category/page
  • param 4 [optional]: store code of the item in param 3 to use for CSS

The three types of FAQs that can be loaded are:

  • product
  • category
  • page

Example 1: load FAQs for a product with the code p1

<mvt:item name="fastfaqs" param="product p1" />

Display the FAQs using the custom FAQ entity:


Custom loaded FAQs will also be loaded into the default entity:


Example 2: load FAQs for a product with the code p1, but load the CSS from FAQ settings for the current page:

<mvt:item name="fastfaqs" param="product p1 page" />

Example 3: load FAQs for a product with the code p1, but load the CSS from product p2:

<mvt:item name="fastfaqs" param="product p1 product p2" />

updated June 18, 2016