FastFAQs / Have FAQs Close When Another Is Opened
If you want FAQs to close when another FAQ is opened, replace the &mvt:fastfaqs:foot; entity that you put near the closing </body> tag with the following javascript. This is the same javascript that the entity above is inserting in your page, except one line has been changed to give the open/close effect.
<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function($) { $(\'#fastfaqs\').find(\'.fastfaqs-question\').click(function(e){ // customize the FAQ open speed by putting \'slow\', \'fast\', or the number of milliseconds e.stopPropagation(); $(this).next().slideToggle(\'fast\'); $(".fastfaqs-answer").not($(this).next()).slideUp(\'fast\'); }); }); </script>