Watermark /
Restoring Images
Restoring Images
Every time an image is watermarked it is added to a watermark tracker database. This serves two purposes.
First, if you have backups turned on it gives you a way to restore images (and it's definitely recommended that you have backups turned on!)
Second, it lets the system know if a particular image has been watermarked. The system tracks the image by filename so if you have two of the same filename in different locations that could cause an issue with one of the files not being watermarked. This is not a common situation, but I wanted to mention it.
Restore All Watermarked Images
If you have a lot of images watermarked, restoring all watermarked images at once will probably time out your server and give you a "500 Server Error". If this happens get the admin screen back up and start the process again. It will start where it left off.
Search Backup Images
You can search for individual images to restore using the backup image search. You don't need to put in the full filename, a partial filename will do. If you want to list all of your images enter a . (period/decimal point) symbol. Note that if you have thousands of images backed up, or even hundreds, this process will take a long time because each image will be loaded for the results.
updated November 29, 2018