MM5 Tips & Tricks / MM5 CSSUI_LINKS
CSSUI_LINKS is a Miva Merchant 5 built in component which is actually quite useful.
Basically, the cssui_links item builds links to every important page and process in the store, and it builds them without you having to know any of the cryptic Miva Merchant URL parameters.
Here's an example of a simple way to put up a link to your storefront.
<mvt:item name="cssui_links" param="storefront">Storefront</mvt:item>
This will create a link to your About Us page.
<mvt:item name="cssui_links" param="screen:ABUS">About Us</mvt:item>
This will create a link to a product page.
<mvt:item name="cssui_links" param="product:product_code">Product Details</mvt:item>
Here's a list of all the parameters for the cssui_links item that I know of.