Scot's Scripts FAQs and Module Support

If you don't find the answers here contact us.
Documentation and support for our Miva modules is found here. If you can't find the answer you're looking for contact us and we'll add the information.

Clicked: in-store click-to-edit / Configuration


The clicked configuration is easy to set up. The only required field is your customer username in the editors box so you can edit content in your store.

Editors Settings

Since clicked lets you edit while browsing the store, you need to give your customer account editing privileges. Enter your customer account username, and any others you want to have editing privileges, in this space, one per line.

Toolbar Formatting Buttons

Add or remove extra toolbar formatting here by checking and unchecking the various options.

Create Content Buttons

Enabling this will add unobtrusive buttons to content areas that do not exist. Product header, footer, description, and custom fields (text and textarea only) are supported. For categories, header and footer are supported.

Default Content Codes

If you have your Create Content buttons enabled, you can create a product and/or category and use the information as content templates. This lets you click a Create Content button and have the template show up ready to be edited.

Enter the product and category codes that you used for your templates here.

updated May 13, 2017