Scot's FAQ Manager / Basic Administration
Use the navigation menu to bring up your categories, sub categories, and FAQs. FAQs are linked to categories and sub categories, and sub categories are linked to categories.
Creating categories: Create categories and FAQs by using the Add FAQ and Add Category forms. If you give your category or sub category the same code as a page in your store, it will be linked to that page. So if you have FAQs in a category the same name as one of your store pages, it will be avalailable as the initial data for that page.
Creating FAQs: Use the top Add FAQ form to create a new FAQ. After you save the new FAQ the main FAQ edit screen will come up where you enter your FAQ information. FAQs can contain the same HTML or Store Morph code that your store pages contain.
Note on using MvFAQ to manage content: MvFAQ is intended to run a tree-based FAQ or other document system. If you want to have total control over the content based on page, category or product (or any variation of), take a look at the ProContent module which is specifically made for managing content, from simple headings to managing entire page templates.