v2.003 Nov 2023 major tracking updates including better client and session tracking based on google cookie data better flow tracking, debugging, logging, and more fixes issues related to "value" field for add_to_cart event fixes gtag multiple measurement ids were being display incorrectly in gtag js fixed an issue with product categories for add_to_cart event fixed an issue with product categories for add_to_cart event added ADPM (multi add to cart) support added multi-action support (such as login to add to wishlist) added optional json payload logging added option to add {'allow_enhanced_conversions':true} to the gtag js (obscure, rare, probably unnecessary) updated debug and validation updated ADPR (single add to cart) for more speed and data accuracy updated remove from cart and cart quantity adjustments updated fallback client_id to match basket cookie id, and third fallback is the basket_id updated custom field handling to skip fields with no values Updated settings for easier debugging/validation/active v1.015 Feb 2023 Added setting to use google validation server and display json errors Added coupon to "begin checkout" event Updated "add to cart" event so it is compliant with current ga4 params Updated product list events to include parent categories All supported tracking events checked to verify they are up to date with current ga4 standards Combined all json payload events into one request Various fixes and enhancements v1.011 July 2022 Added more debug and testing options. General clean up and UI updates. UI enhancements. General clean up and UI updates. Added custom script tag. This replaces the default script tag. SMT and other template coding can be used.