Scot's Scripts Miva Merchant Module Support

Scot's Scripts Miva Merchant Module Support

Support for our Miva Modules.
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The Gallery How To's

last updated

How to override a gallery style in order to change the gallery without redoing things.

This is how we have links to show different styles on The Gallery product page. The easiest way is to set a global style variable like this:

  1. <mvt:assign name="g.thegallery_style_override" value="'another_style_code'">

This needs to be placed above the module's page item at the bottom of the head, like this:

  1. <mvt:assign name="g.thegallery_style_override" value="'another_style_code'">
  2. <mvt:item name="thegallery"sparam="unite_gallery unite_default products" />

After you do this the module will load a different gallery style. Granted, it's not that useful without a conditional. Let's say you have a product with the code product_123 and you want to load a new style just for that product. You could do it like this:

  1. <mvt:if expr="l.settings:product:code EQ 'product_123'">
  2. <mvt:assign name="g.thegallery_style_override" value="'another_style_code'">
  3. </mvt:if>
  4. <mvt:item name="thegallery"sparam="unite_gallery unite_default products" />