Miva Merchant Modules and Development
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## Support Ticket Pro Specs

Scot Ranney • December 27, 2023

Ticket Features

  • Ability to split a ticket
  • Filtered ticket view allows for any kind of ticket list
  • Ticket view sorting
  • Macros for inserting pre-built blocks of content, such as auto responses, faqs, etc...
  • All basic visual editing capabilities - drag and drop images, file attachments, link highlighting, etc
  • Admin notes
  • Tickets can be assigned and reassigned to support people

Sub Tasks

  • be able to sub task any status
  • in general add a sub task to a ticket
  • code - use type/type_id

Status Code Actions

  • daily email reminders to admin
  • daily email reminders to customers
  • scheduled one up reminder to admin

Tracking Features (tickets)

  • Custom Status Codes
  • Tags
  • Flexible ticket assignments and updates
  • Robust search
  • Visual editor in ticket thread
  • Ticket creation tracks what page, category, product, they are on when they create the ticket

Email Features

  • Email notification when a ticket is created or updated
  • CC and other email headers
  • Custom signature templates for users
  • Email verification link for initial ticket creation (optional)

Misc Features

  • Scheduled tasks for reminders on new, unread, and tickets flagged for reminders.


This will be handled and added to the  module on a case by case basis, but there will be some generic automation included in the  beginning, such as:

Customer asks question.

* We reply and activate an automation rule.

This automation rule would be - If customer does not answer back in X hours (days) then reply with a message saying,
this is a follow-up, our original answer/question is below, this ticket will now be closed but you can open it any
time by replying to this email.

This will help keep our inbox clean and make the custom aware they asked us a question AND we answered.


jobbox integration

knowledge base:

create items and organize by tags
in support email you see a tag list and/or start typing a tag and a tag list comes up so you can hit button
and knowledge base entry gets put into the text area for the email
