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FORM: Select/Options Function

Scot Ranney • December 19, 2023

If you have a module or script with SELECTS and lots of options that need to be saved, this function can be quite useful. Gets rid of all the manual work.

|  select is an easy way to deal with selections.
	name: name of select form item '_fname'
	condition: the variable to match for a preselected item - actual variable value: l.info:fname
		optionval1-Option Words 1,optionval2-Option Words 2,etc
	class: 'form-control'
	id: 'my-id'
	null_off: 1/0 - if null off then there is no "make a select" and it starts with the first option
	flags: anything like style="color: #ddd" or disabled, whatever you want to add to the select tag
<MvASSIGN NAME = "l.ok" VALUE = "{ select('_schedule:type',l.schedule:type,'optionval1-options words,optionval2-options words','form-select','schedule-type',1,'') }" />

<MvFUNCTION NAME = "select" PARAMETERS = "name,condition,options,class,id,null_off,flags" STANDARDOUTPUTLEVEL="compresswhitespace,text,html">
	<MvASSIGN NAME = "l.options" VALUE = "{ miva_array_deserialize( l.options ) }" />
	<MvEVAL EXPR = "{ '<select class="' $ l.class $ '" id="' $ l.id $ '" name="' $ l.name $ '" ' $ l.flags $ '>' }">
		<MvIF EXPR = "{ NOT l.null_off }">
			<option value="">select...</option>
		<MvFOREACH ITERATOR = "l.option" INDEX = "l.pos" ARRAY = "l.options">
			<MvIF EXPR = "{ gettoken(l.option,'-',1) EQ l.condition }">
				<option value="{ gettoken(l.option,'-',1) }" selected><MvEVAL EXPR = "{ gettoken(l.option,'-',2) }"></option>
				<option value="{ gettoken(l.option,'-',1) }"><MvEVAL EXPR = "{ gettoken(l.option,'-',2) }"></option>


mvkb_mivascript mvkb_select