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Scot Ranney • July 01, 2024
Requirements: Install the miva recaptcha v3 module and make sure it's all set up with the api code etc...
Step 1
Add a hidden action var to the form if it doesn't already have one.
<form method="post" action="/"> <input type="hidden" action="GET_QUOTE"> ... form stuff and submit button ... </form>
Step 2
Go to the Utility Settings tabs and find the reCAPTCHA v3 Action Configuration tab and open it and click the blue ADD ACTION button.
reCAPTCHA v3 Action Configuration
Step 3
Fill out the fields.
1. Miva Form Action: The value of g.action in the hidden field
2. reCAPTCHA V3 Action: Anything you want
3. Error Page: Whatever you want, not sure what the error variabl eis
4. CSS Query Selector: Some sort of CSS/JS rendition of the action variable. Pattern is the same for any form.
5. Make it active if you're ready.
6. Save.
Add Action Form for Example Above