Precision prices are popping up all over the place after Miva Merchant 10.11.01 update, especially in discounts/price group stuff.
The errors of $12.330123 instead of $12.33 are showing up on the CTGY
templates and possibly others.
A quick fix is to create a readytheme pseudo-function content section.
Readytheme Content Section
Name: Function: Price Format for 2 Decimal Places
Code: function_price_format
<mvt:if expr="l.settings:product:price">
<mvt:do file="g.Module_Store_Module_Currency" name="l.settings:product:formatted_price" value="CurrencyModule_AddFormatting(l.settings:module, (l.settings:product:price ROUND 2))" />
Wrap In a DIV Tag: OFF
Usage in a Page
The content section assumes that the price is found in l.settings:product:price
however this could easily be updated to include more conditionals for the price variable.
The code below shows it being called in the proper place, code is basically the same for PROD
, and SRCH
. The precision bug appears to affect discounted prices only so find the <s> tag and use this function there.
<mvt:if expr="l.settings:product:base_price GT l.settings:product:price">
<span class="x-product-list__price u-color-gray-30"><s>&mvt:product:formatted_base_price;</s></span>
# fixes decimal problem
<mvt:item name="readytheme" param="contentsection( 'function_price_format' )" />
<span class="x-product-list__price u-color-red">&mvt:product:formatted_price;</span>
<span class="x-product-list__price">&mvt:product:formatted_price;</span>