Miva Merchant Modules and Development
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LSK: Miva Actions List

Scot Ranney • February 15, 2024

Miva Action Descriptions

Code Description Function
ACPN Apply Coupon To Basket Action_ApplyCouponToBasket()
ADPM Add Multiple Products To Basket Action_AddMultipleProductsToBasket()
ADPR Add Product To Basket Action_AddProductToBasket()
AFFR Affiliate Reset Password Action_Affiliate_ResetPassword()
AFPW Affiliate Email Password Run Action_Affiliate_EmailPassword_Run()
AFWA Add All Products From Wish List Action_AddAllProductsFromWishList()
AFWL Add Product From Wish List Action_AddProductFromWishList()
ALGI Affiliate Login Run Action_Affiliate_Login_Run()
ALOG Affiliate Logout Run Action_Affiliate_Logout_Run()
ATWL Add Product To Wish List Action_AddProductToWishList()
AUPM Add Multiple Upsold Products To Basket Action_AddMultipleUpsoldProductsToBasket()
AUPR Add Upsold Product To Basket Action_AddUpsoldProductToBasket()
AUTH Authorize Payment Action_AuthorizePayment()
CBSK Clear Basket Action_ClearBasket()
CCSA Customer Address Change Default Action_CustomerAddress_ChangeDefault()
CEML Customer Change Email Address Action_Customer_ChangeEmailAddress()
CPWD Customer Change Password Action_Customer_ChangePassword()
CSTR Customer Reset Password Action_Customer_ResetPassword()
CTAX Calculate Tax Action_CalculateTax()
DCPC Customer Payment Card Delete Action_CustomerPaymentCard_Delete()
DCSA Customer Address Delete Action_CustomerAddress_Delete()
DCSB Customer Subscription Delete Action_CustomerSubscription_Delete()
DWSH Wish List Delete Action_WishList_Delete()
EMPW Customer Email Password Action_Customer_EmailPassword()
IAFL Affiliate Insert Run Action_Affiliate_Insert_Run()
ICPC Customer Payment Card Insert Action_CustomerPaymentCard_Insert()
ICSA Customer Address Insert Action_CustomerAddress_Insert()
ICSQ Quick Customer Insert Action_Customer_Quick_Insert()
ICST Customer Insert Action_Customer_Insert()
IWSH Wish List Insert Action_WishList_Insert()
LOGN Customer Login Action_Customer_Login()
LOGO Customer Logout Action_Customer_Logout()
MAWL Move All Products To Wish List Action_MoveAllProductsToWishList()
MPWL Move Product To Wish List Action_MoveProductToWishList()
ORDR Save Order Information Action_Save_OrderInformation()
PSHP Payment Manipulate Shipping Action_PaymentManipulateShipping()
QNTY Update Quantity Action_UpdateQuantity()
QTYG Update Group Quantity Action_UpdateGroupQuantity()
RCPN Remove Coupon From Basket Action_RemoveCouponFromBasket()
RDGC Redeem Gift Certificate Action_RedeemGiftCertificate()
RGRP Remove Group From Basket Action_RemoveGroupFromBasket()
RMWL Remove Product From Wish List Action_RemoveProductFromWishList()
RPRD Remove Product From Basket Action_RemoveProductFromBasket()
SHIP Calculate Shipping Action_CalculateShipping()
UAFL Affiliate Update Run Action_Affiliate_Update_Run()
UCPC Customer Payment Card Update Action_CustomerPaymentCard_Update()
UCSA Customer Address Update Action_CustomerAddress_Update()
UCSB Customer Subscription Update Action_CustomerSubscription_Update()
UCST Customer Update Action_Customer_Update()
UPWL Update Wish List Product Action_UpdateWishListProduct()
UWSH Wish List Update Action_WishList_Update()

Action Notes: Actions run in the order they are found in the environment. Actions are separated by commas.

SystemModule_Action(...) runs before each action call.

If the system  module returns a -1 then l.systemmodule_override is set and the entire action tree is skipped.

LogModule_Action(...) runs after each action call.

Actions below are related to the basket are tested before anything else and the entire action function can be halted due to situations relating to deferred baskets and/or invalid customer sessions.

<MvIF EXPR = "{ l.current EQ 'CPWD' OR
l.current EQ 'CEML' OR
l.current EQ 'UCST' OR
l.current EQ 'ICST' OR
l.current EQ 'ICSQ' OR
l.current EQ 'ICSA' OR
l.current EQ 'UCSA' OR
l.current EQ 'DCSA' OR
l.current EQ 'CCSA' OR
l.current EQ 'ICPC' OR
l.current EQ 'UCPC' OR
l.current EQ 'DCPC' OR
l.current EQ 'UCSB' OR
l.current EQ 'DCSB' }">


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