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COOKIES: Cookie Consent Message and Button and JS

Scot Ranney • March 07, 2024

Make a readytheme content section with the code cookie_privacy_message

#cookie-message {
   position: fixed;
   bottom: 0;
   width: 100%;
<mvt:if expr="NOT g.request_cookies:cookieconsent">
   <div id="cookie-message" class="o-layout o-layout--justify-around u-bg-gray-50 u-text-gray-10" style="padding: 3% 8%; font-weight:700; width:105%!important">
	  <div class="u-width-12 u-width-8--m  u-color-gray-30">
		 By continuing to browse, you accept our use of cookies as explained in our <a href="/privacy-policy.html" target="_self">Privacy Policy</a>.<p></p>
	  <div class="u-width-12 u-width-4--m u-text-center" style="display:flex; align-items:center;justify-content: center">
		 <button id="cookie-set" class="c-button  u-bg-blue u-color-white  u-font-small u-text-uppercase">Click Here to Accept Cookies</button>
   <mvt:assign name="l.settings:sdyntime" value="s.dyn_time_t" />
	  var name = 'cookieconsent';
	  var value = '&mvt:sdyntime';
	  document.cookie = encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value) +  "; path=/";

Put this near the bottom of the global footer:

# cookie message - can be edited in the readytheme content section area
<mvt:item name="readytheme" param="contentsection( 'cookie_privacy_message' )" />


mvkb_cookies mvkb_js