Miva Merchant Module Features Code Generator
Start here when coding Miva Merchant modules.
If you are making Miva Merchant Modules it's not always easy to remember which features you need and what functions they take. Start here to make this easy.
Miva Merchant Modules
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Scheduled Messages
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The Gallery Image SEO and Display for Miva Merchant
AMP: Accelerated Mobile Pages
Scot's Mailing List
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Miva Merchant Module Features Functions (MMMFF)
As of October 2019:
Module meta data:
Module Name
Module Code
Module Description
Module Provider
Module version
API version
Select Module Features
Not all features are listed. Contact us to add more module features.
batchreport: Batch Report Feature
cleanup_store: Clean Up Store Feature
clientside: Client Side Feature
component: Component Feature
data_domain: Domain-level Module Data Support Feature
data_store: Store-level Module Data Support Feature
discount: Discount Feature
export: Data Export Feature
feed: Feed Feature
fulfill: Order Fulfillment Feature
import: Data Import Feature
json: JavaScript Object Notation Feature
json_upload: JavaScript Object Notation Upload Feature
log: Shopping INterface Activity Logging
not_cat: Category Configuration Change Notification
not_cust: Customer Configuration Change Notification Feature
not_fields: Customer Field Configuration Change Notification Feature
not_giftcert: Gift Certificate Change Notification Feature
not_image: Image Change Notification Feature
not_order: Order Status Change Notification Feature
not_orderitem: OrderItem Status Change Notification Feature
not_orderreturn: OrderReturn Status Change Notification Feature
not_ordershpmnt: OrderShipment Status Change Notification Feature
not_payment: Payment Status Change Notification Feature
not_prod: Product Configuration Change Notification
not_seo: SEO Settings Change Notification Feature
not_subscript: Subscription Settings Change Notification Feature
not_uri: URI Configuration Change Notification Feature
scheduledtask: Scheduled Task Feature
shipping: Shipping Calculation Feature
skins: Framework Support Feature
system: System Extensions Feature
tax: Sales Tax Calculation Feature
util: Store Utilities Feature
vis_affil: Affiliate Add/Edit Screen Feature
vis_affilbe: Affiliate Batch Edit Screen Feature
vis_category: Category Add/Edit Screen Feature
vis_categorybe: Category Batch Edit Screen Feature
vis_cust: Customer Add/Edit Screen Feature
vis_fulfill: Order Fulfillment Settings Screen Feature
vis_log: Logging Settings Screen Feature
vis_order: Order Tabs Feature
vis_product: Product Add/Edit Screen Feature
vis_shipping: Shipping Settings Screen Feature
vis_store: Edit Store Screen Feature
vis_system: System Extension Settings Screen Feature
vis_util: Utility Screen Feature
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