Scot's Scripts FAQs and Module Support

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Documentation and support for our Miva modules is found here. If you can't find the answer you're looking for contact us and we'll add the information.

United Gallery / Installation


1. MENU > MODULES > + (plus symbol)

2. Upload module
3. Click the "ADD" button
5. INSTALL Unite Gallery (find Unite Gallery and click the INSTALL button)
6. Set gallery options in the MENU > UTILITIES > Unite Gallery

7. Open the Product Display (PROD) page in the Miva Merchant admin and assign the ug item to it. Click on the items tab to do that.

8. Put <mvt:item name="ug" param="head" /> just before the closing head tag:

<code> <mvt:item name="ug" param="head" /> </head>

9. Put <mvt:item name="ug" param="foot" /> just before the closing body tag:

<code> <mvt:item name="ug" param="foot" /> </body>

10. Find this code in the Product Display Layout section:

<code> <!-- Image --> <div class="product-images"> <div class="product-image"> <img src="graphics/en-US/cssui/blank.gif" alt="&mvte:product:name;" title="&mvte:product:name;" id="main_image" class="aligncenter" /> </div> <ul id="thumbnails" class="thumbnails"></ul> </div>

Replace it with: <mvt:item name="ug" param="images" />

That's it! Everything else you need is in the module administration in the MENU > UTILITIES > UNITE GALLERY module admin.

updated February 03, 2018