ProContent / Display Web Content
You can display a full web page or content between an opening and closing tag in a webpage. The data is loaded automatically into the l.settings:ProContent:webcontent variable that can be displayed . If you're using web content that's not yours, consider using &mvte instead to help sanitize possible harmful code (although there is a chance the content won't display as intended this way.)
Display Scot's Miva Scripts home page:
<mvt:item name="ProContent" param="" />
If you want to display information inside a couple of tags, do it like this. The tag names are arbitrary, but must come in order of opening tag and closing tag. The code below calls a FAQ page on Scot's Scripts but only loads the data between the opening and closing tags.
<mvt:item name="ProContent" param=" <faq_display> </faq_display>" />