ProContent / Product Rotation Demo
The product name and code below will change each time you load the page. The category code is miva_modules and the page code I used is:
<mvt:item name="ProContent" param=":rotate products miva_modules" />
And this is the code I used to display the above (reload the page a few times):
<dl class="dl-horizontal"> <dt>Rotating ame:</dt> <dd>&mvt:ProContent:miva_modules:products:name;</dd> <dt>Rotating code:</dt> <dd>&mvt:ProContent:miva_modules:products:code;</dd> </dl>
All of the normal product data is loaded for use. If there is a category involved, the category data is loaded as well and can be accessed via (using the miva_modules example above) l.settings:ProContact:miva_modules:products:category:name;
All the usual category data is available.