ProContent / Links: Product and Category
The link code is added to the product and category structure to make it easy to link to a category or product.
The example below links to a product. Keep in mind that the parameter values and display code will vary based on how you're using the module.
<mvt:item name="ProContent" param=":load_products code1" /> <p> Click on the product name: <a href="&mvt:ProContent:code1:link;">&mvt:ProContent:code1:name;</a> </p>
Linking to a category isn't much different.
<mvt:item name="ProContent" param=":rotate products modules repeat3" /> <p> Click on the category name: <a href="&mvt:ProContent:modules:category:link;">&mvt:ProContent:modules:category:name;</a> </p>