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ProContent / First Time Use

First Time Use

Be sure the page item is selected for the pages you want to use this on. It doesn't hurt to turn it on for all pages (click on Pages, then click the items tab and edit the Pro_Content item, then select all pages and save.)


  1. Edit a page.
  2. Click Pro-Content tab.
  3. Create a content item.
  4. Click on the content item and save some content (Hello World!)
  5. Put the display page code in your header or footer.
  6. Go to the page to see the new content, go to another page to see it disappear.

List With Commentary

  1. Edit a page, About Us (ABUS) is good for testing things on.
  2. Click on the ProContent tab
  3. Create a content item called Sub Heading One with a code of sub-head1. The content item is a box for the linked content you'll be creating for pages, products and categories.
  4. Click on the name of the content item you just created and write something like, "ProContent Rocks!"
  5. Copy the display page item (under the text area) and paste it somewhere in the global header or global footer in a spot where you can see it. The footer is a great spot for testing.
  6. Load that particular page in your store to see what you just put in the footer.
  7. Go to a diferent page and watch it disappear because it's linked just to the page you put it on.

You can have different content come up for each page without having to edit each page. Works for categories as well and is quite useful when working with different products where you'd like to put various things related to a products all over the page instead of just inside the product display area.

Now, every time someone goes to the page/category/product you made content for, it will come up in the spot where you put the page item. If you put it in any of the global elements such as global header, navbar, category tree listing, etc..., you'll definitely need to turn the ProContent item on in each page.

You create content and it comes up where you want it to.

What if you have an announcement for just one of your products and want all the others to say something else? You could make new content for every single product. Or you could do it the easy way.

updated April 02, 2013