MivaScript: Hello World Learn how to program web apps with MivaScript, starting at the beginning of all programming: Hello World MivaScript is a great programming language for fast implementation of dynamic web apps. MivaScript is also great for people who already know HTML because it is a mixture of familiar looking tags and standard functions that can be used to create any kind of web app. Scot Ranney, March 23, 2015
MivaScript: Getting Inside "Hello World" We're going to explore various ways to use MivaScript to display "Hello World". This is where we look more closely at how MivaScript interacts with HTML and the browser. There are quite a few ways to display "Hello World" and each one is useful for different reasons. Scot Ranney, March 24, 2015
How To Display the Current Date in Miva Merchant The storemorph language can display all sorts of data and one of the more useful bits is the current date. Displaying the current date can be useful for many thing. For example, what if you wanted your site's copyright date to always be the current year? Or you could have the date and time in your header, or you could set up some logic to display different messages such as "Good Morning!" or "Good Evening!" based on the time of day. Scot Ranney, December 11, 2015
Simple and Slick Configuration Manager in Miva Script Saving configuration settings in your Miva Script apps is necessary but very easy. Use the time saving mivascript functions below to create a flexible configuration system for your Miva Script apps that can easily grow as your app grows with minimal coding. Scot Ranney, January 01, 2016
Mivascript: MvCALL Tutorial MvCALL emulates a browser to connect to a remote server. MvCALL is a Mivascript tag that is used to post or get data from a host. This includes emulating form posts and capturing raw website source code. Scot Ranney, January 21, 2016