Miva Merchant Elements CSS Cheat Sheet
It takes a while to get used to Elements CSS, this can help.
A cheat sheet for Miva Merchant Elements CSS with all CSS elements on one page and in a mostly orderly fashion.
by Scot Ranney
This is a quick list of Elements CSS classes I put together over a couple glasses of scotch at the end of the night. Let me know if you see any problems.
Update Dec 2020: Matt Zimmerman has updated the online style guide which is now a great resource: https://docs.miva.com/readytheme-shadows/#overview-style-guide
control groups
CSS Objects
Breakpoints for grid items for the most part seems to happen automatically in the Elements CSS framework. If a class has known breakpoint modifiers, they ( --s --m --l --w ) can be added to the end of the class name.
Simple layout example. The widths can be 1-12 and can be mixed and matched. Columns will wrap if the widths in a layout add up to more than 12. More information on widths at the bottom of the components section.
### two columns
<div class="o-layout"> <div class="o-layout__item u-width-6"> </div> <div class="o-layout__item u-width-6"> </div> </div>
Layout classes:
o-layout o-layout__item o-layout o-layout--row-reverse o-layout o-layout--column --m --l --w o-layout o-layout--column-reverse --m --l --w o-layout o-layhout--full o-layout o-layout--narrow o-layout o-layout--wide o-layout o-layout--flush o-layout o-layout--spaced
### vertical alignment
o-layout o-layout--align-top o-layout o-layout--align-center o-layout o-layout--align-bottom o-layout o-layout--align-baseline o-layout o-layout--align-stretch
### horizontal alignment
o-layout o-layout--justify-start o-layout o-layout--justify-center o-layout o-layout--justify-end o-layout o-layout--justify-around o-layout o-layout--justify-between
### flex ordering
o-layout o-layout__first --s --m --l --w o-layout o-layout__last
### growth control
o-layout--grow o-layout--no-grow o-layout--shrink o-layout--no-shrink
### wrap
o-layout--no-wrap o-layout--wrap o-layout--wrap-reverse
o-list-bare o-list-block o-list-inline o-list-inline o-list-inline--narrow o-list-inline o-list-inline--wide
Tables (see below in the components section for code example)
o-table o-table o-table--fixed o-table o-table--narrow o-table o-table--wide o-table o-table-borderless
o-wrapper o-site-wrapper o-wrapper o-wrapper--full o-wrapper--flush
c-button c-button--tiny c-button c-button--small c-button c-button c-button--large c-button c-button--huge
c-button c-button--full
c-button c-button--hollow c-button c-button--clear c-button disabled="" c-button is-error c-button c-button--glossy c-button-primary
Control Groups: make button groups
<div class="c-control-group"> <button class="c-button c-control-group__button">Button 1</button> <button class="c-button c-control-group__button">Button 2</button> <button class="c-button c-control-group__button">Button 3</button> </div>
### Modifiers: <div class="c-control-group c-control-group--rounded">...</div>
c-button c-control-group--rounded c-button c-control-group--rounded-right c-button c-control-group--rounded-left c-button c-control-group--stacked
c-divider c-divider c-divider--top
<form> <fieldset> <legend>Example</legend> <ul class="c-form-list"> <li class="c-form-list__item"> <label class="c-form-label" for="example1">Example</label> <input id="example1" class="c-form-input" type="text" placeholder="something"> <button class="c-button c-control-group__button">Submit</button> </li> </ul> </fieldset> </form>
### select
<select id="example2" class="c-form-select"> <option value="abc">Option ABC</option> <option value="def">Option DEF</option> </select>
### textarea
<textarea id="example3" class="c-form-input c-form-input--long" placeholder="something here"></textarea>
### checkbox
<label class="c-form-checkbox"> <input class="c-form-checkbox__input" type="checkbox"> <span class="c-form-checkbox__caption">Check Me</span> </label>
### inline checkbox
<li class="c-form-list__item"> <label class="c-form-checkbox c-form-checkbox--inline"> <input class="c-form-checkbox__input" type="checkbox"> <span class="c-form-checkbox__caption">Inline 1</span> </label> <label>...</label> etc </li>
### radio
<label class="c-form-checkbox c-form-checkbox--radio"> <input class="c-form-checkbox__input" type="radio" name="agree" value="yes"> <span class="c-form-checkbox__caption">Yes</span> </label>
### inline radio
<li class="c-form-list__item"> <label class="c-form-checkbox c-form-checkbox--radio c-form-checkbox--inline"> <input class="c-form-checkbox__input" type="radio" name="inline-radio" value="1"> <span class="c-form-checkbox__caption">Radio 1</span> </label> <label>...</label> etc... </li>
### inline/grid form
<ul class="c-form-list o-layout"> <li class="c-form-list__item o-layout__item">...</li> </ul>
c-keyline c-keyline--thick c-keyline--small
<nav class="c-menu"> <h5 class="c-menu__title u-text-uppercase">Quick Links</h5> <ul class="c-menu__list u-text-uppercase"> <li><a class="c-menu__link" href="">About Us</a></li> <li><a class="c-menu__link" href="">FAQs</a></li> <li><a class="c-menu__link" href="">Contact Us</a></li> <li><a class="c-menu__link" href="">Become an Affiliate</a></li> </ul> </nav>
<a data-mini-modal="" href="LARGE_IMAGE_URL" title="image"> <img src="IMAGE_URL"> </a>
<nav class="u-text-uppercase c-navigation"> <input id="mainNavButton" class="c-navigation__trigger" type="checkbox"> <label class="c-navigation__label" for="mainNavButton">Menu</label> <ul class="c-navigation__row"> <li class="c-navigation__list"><a class="c-navigation__link" href="#">All Products</a></li> <li class="c-navigation__list"><a class="c-navigation__link" href="#">Category 1</a></li> <li class="c-navigation__list"><a class="c-navigation__link" href="#">Category 2</a></li> <li class="c-navigation__list"><a class="c-navigation__link" href="#">Category 3</a></li> <li class="c-navigation__list"><a class="c-navigation__link" href="#">More</a></li> </ul> </nav>
<table class="c-table-simple"> <thead> <tr class="c-table-simple__row"> <th class="c-table-simple__cell">Name</th> <th class="c-table-simple__cell">Age</th> <th class="c-table-simple__cell">Feet</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="c-table-simple__row"> <td class="c-table-simple__cell">Tim Smith</td> <td class="c-table-simple__cell">25</td> <td class="c-table-simple__cell">2</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
### striped
<table class="c-table-stripped">...</table>
<table class="c-table-responsive">...</table>
<h1 class="c-heading-alpha">Heading Alpha <span class="c-heading--subheading">Subheading</span></h1>
<h1 class="c-heading-alpha">...</h1> <h2 class="c-heading-bravo">...</h2> <h3 class="c-heading-charlie">...</h3> <h4 class="c-heading-delta">...</h4> <h5 class="c-heading-echo">...</h5> <h6 class="c-heading-foxtrot">...</h6>
<p class="c-text-body">...</p>
<h1 class="c-heading-alpha c-heading--keyline">...</h1> (adds a little divider under the heading)
Borders: Borders can be used on any element. The example below shows border classes being used on buttons.
u-border-none u-border-thick u-border-rounded u-border-square
### border color classes: these are based on theme, so try other color names as well as those below.
u-border-red u-border-yellow u-border-blue u-border-green u-border-black
### button examples
<button class="c-button u-border-none">No Border</button> <button class="c-button u-border-thick">Thick Border</button> <button class="c-button u-border-rounded">Rounded Border</button> <button class="c-button u-border-square">Square Border</button>
Background colors:
u-bg-red u-bg-yellow u-bg-blue u-bg-green u-bg-black u-bg-gray-50 u-bg-gray-40 u-bg-gray-30-gray-10 u-bg-gray-20 u-bg-gray-10 u-bg-white u-bg-primary u-bg-secondary u-bg-tertiary u-bg-accent u-bg-highlight
Text colors:
u-color-red u-color-yellow u-color-blue u-color-green u-color-black u-color-gray-50 u-color-gray-40 u-color-gray-30 u-color-gray-20 u-color-gray-10 u-color-white u-color-primary u-color-secondary u-color-tertiary u-color-accent u-color-highlight
Display: These can take breakpoint modifiers. They work from small to wide.
If you hide on small, it will hide on everything unless you specifically tell it not to: --s --m --l --w
u-hide-visually - hide visually but not for screen readers u-hidden - hide from everything u-invisible - visually hidden but no layout change u-flex u-block u-shown u-inline u-inline-block u-visible
### Add bBreakpoint modifiers to the class, such as:
### Hide on small screen, show on all others:
<div class="u-hidden--s u-shown--m">...</div>
### Hide on large and wide screen, show on small and medium:
<div class="u-hidden--l">...</div>
Grids: Create auto columns that wrap intelligently
o-layout u-grids2 o-layout u-grids3 o-layout u-grids4 etc...
u-grids-1 u-grids-2 u-grids-3 u-grids-4 u-grids-5 u-grids-6 u-grids-7 u-grids-8 u-grids-9 u-grids-10 u-grids-11 u-grids-12
### Example
<div class="o-layout u-grids-3"> <div class="o-layout__item"> </div> <div class="o-layout__item"> </div> <div class="o-layout__item"> </div> <div class="o-layout__item"> </div> <div class="o-layout__item"> </div> </div>
### breakpoints: all grid classes can have breakpoints added, --s --m --l --w
### breakpoint exmaple, show one column on small, show three on medium and up:
o-layout u-grids-1 u-grids-3--m
Use with breakpoints:
o-layout u-grids-1 u-grids-3--m
Go here for a list of available icons: https://docs.miva.com/elements/iconography/demo.html
<span class="u-icon-question"></span> <span class="u-icon-envelope"></span> etc...
Print styles are handled automatically (from HTML5 Boilerplate)
### only display on printout
### font-families
u-font-primary u-font-secondary
### alignment --s --m --l --w
u-text-left u-text-center u-text-right u-text-justify
### sizing
u-font-tiny u-font-small u-font-medium u-font-large u-font-huge
### weight, transformations, decorations
u-text-light u-text-regular u-text-medium u-text-bold u-text-boldest u-text-italic u-text-lowercase u-text-uppercase u-text-caps u-text-strike u-text-underline u-text-normal u-text-revert
u-text-constrain (max 75chars per line)
u-align-baseline u-align-bottom u-align-middle u-align-top
u-vertical-align-parent u-vertical-align-center
Widths: These give a fluid width to whichever element they are applied to and include breakpoints --s --m --l --w
u-width-# --s --m --l --w (# is the number of columns wide, out of 12)
<div class="o-layout"> <div class="o-layout__item u-width-6"> </div> <div class="o-layout__item u-width-6"> </div> </div>
### with various breakpoints, can be included in one o-layout and cols will auto wrap to fit
o-layout__item u-width-12 u-width-4--m o-layout__item u-width-6 u-width-4--m o-layout__item u-width-6 u-width-4--m
### width classes, each can take a breakpoint as well --s --m --l --w (width of 1 on small, width of 6 on medium and up: u-width-1--s u-width-6--m)
u-width-1 u-width-2 u-width-3 u-width-4 u-width-5 u-width-6 u-width-7 u-width-8 u-width-9 u-width-10 u-width-11 u-width-12
### offset classes, also can take breakpoints --s --m --l --w
u-offset-1 u-offset-2 u-offset-3 u-offset-4 u-offset-5 u-offset-6 u-offset-7 u-offset-8 u-offset-9 u-offset-10 u-offset-11 u-offset-12
u-below-content u-over-content u-over-control u-over-page u-over-screen u-over-everything
These are css/html components that can be used in different readythemes, a sort of plug-n-play system.
Adds a product to the basket without reloading the page.
Image carousel header/section
Alerts, success, info, etc...
Mini basket that flies out from the right edge of the browser.
Use dropdown, overlfow, and overlay style navigations.
Ajax spinner icon.
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